Blakedown Church of England Primary School
Wrap Around Care & School Clubs
Busy Bees Wrap Around Care
Busy Bees Wrap Around Care at Blakedown was established in 2021 and is run by school staff Monday - Friday 7.30 a.m. - 8.40 a.m. and 3.20 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. (4.30 p.m. on Fridays). The provision provides a welcoming, happy, safe and stimulating environment for all children to play, socialise and develop freely.
Breakfast is provided during the morning provision, during the first half hour, and a substantial snack and drinks are provided during the afternoon provision, immediately after school ends.
Regular bookings should be made following agreement with our terms and conditions attached below. All bookings need to be booked and paid for in advance. If your child attends for only part of a session, the full fee will still need to be paid as the school has to operate the wrap around care as a business and meet its expenses in order to run. We are registered for Child Care Tax Credit relief.
Invoices are issued a month in advance. Refunds will not be issued for non-attendance. A late collection fee of £10 is charged for every 15 minutes over the collection time.
Contact wrap@blakedownprimary.worcs.sch.uk or telephone the school office and choose wrap around care on 01562 700243 for further information and bookings.
Lunchtime and After School Clubs
We aim to offer a range of clubs at lunchtime and after school with a mixture of activities and for different age groups. Clubs are run by external providers, staff and the children themselves. We try to vary the range of clubs on offer, so if you have any contacts or personal expertise, please let us know. The children will be informed about the clubs on offer through letters to parents and notices around school. Please see below for our current offer of clubs across each week.
These are the annual clubs on offer and are provided by external providers and the school: