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Blakedown Church of England Primary School


Welcome to Reception Class


Teachers: Mrs Nash and Mrs Schwartz

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Thomas

Specialist Teachers: Mrs Marshall (Music); Mr Newbold (P.E.)

Welcome to Reception Class 

This half-term the children will be exploring the season of autumn, and all the wonderful experiences it has to offer.  We will be spending lots of time outdoors and getting ready for Christmas celebrations.  We are very much looking forward to our trip to the theatre, and our Christmas show. 

Please see our autumn term 2 overview in the curriculum section to find out more. 



In phonics this week we are learning... sh, th, ng and nk.

In phonics last week we were learning... z, zz, qu and ch. 

In phonics this week we are learning tricky words...she, he, of, and go.

Reception Class Reminders

Please email any queries or messages to

Children need a water bottle at school every day. This should only have water inside and should be labelled clearly with your child's name.

Individual sharing books please return with the reading record on a Thursday. A new book will then be issued and sent home on a Friday.

PE  this half term will be on a Wednesday with Mr Newbold. Please can you ensure that your child has a PE kit in school which can be kept on their peg and sent home at the end of each half-term. (Please make sure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name.)

Forest school this half-term will be on a Tuesday, starting on Tuesday 5th November.