Blakedown Church of England Primary School
Pupil Premium/Free School Meals
Information regarding the school's Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact
Schools receive money in their budget for individual pupils who are able to claim for Free School Meals. This additional amount of money has been made available to schools to enhance the learning experience for these pupils and to ensure that pupils who may be from lower income families receive the same opportunities as those from higher income families and make good progress academically.
From September 2012 schools have been required to publish online information about how the Pupil Premium Grant Allocation has been spent. It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the children within their responsibility. However, schools are accountable for how the additional funding is used.
At Blakedown C.E. Primary School we ensure the grant is used to enhance the provision for the pupils, improve their experience of school, provide them with a curriculum that is more closely tailored to their needs and in so doing improve their progress.
At Blakedown, the governors have agreed on a small bursary of between £100-£300, dependent on category of eligibility, whereby parents can request consideration for support with uniform, trips or clubs.
The attached documents below outline where the school decided to allocate the funding and the impact it has had so far, year on year.
If you think that your family may be entitled to claim for Free School Meals and has yet to do, please see more information on Worcestershire County Council's Free School Meal Page.
- Please apply via this link: Free School Meals Application (https://emsi.worcestershire.gov.uk/CitizenPortal_LIVE/en)