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Blakedown Church of England Primary School

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

Class Teacher:  Miss Alton & Mrs Anderson 

Teaching Assistant:  Miss Chance

Specialist Teachers:  Mrs Marshall (Music);  Mr Newbold (P.E.)

Welcome and Class 3 Reminders:

The class has had a mid-year change. This started on the 7th May, as Miss Alton returned from maternity leave and is now sharing the class teacher role in Class 3.  Miss Alton teaches Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Anderson teaches on Thursday and Friday.

You can see what our timetable looks like on our class timetable page on the 'Continue Reading' panel.  

We will be having PE on Mondays and Wednesdays, so please come to school in PE kit on these days.

Don't forget that you need to bring a piece of fruit or vegetable for snack at morning break and a water bottle each day.

If you do have any questions or worries please contact us through the office and we will sort them out together.

Miss Alton and Mrs Anderson