Blakedown Church of England Primary School
Class 2
Welcome to Class 2
Teacher: Mrs Parry
Teaching Assistant: Miss Cassidy & Miss Winwood
Specialist Teachers: Mrs Marshall (Music); Mr Newbold (P.E.)
Welcome to Year 2! 
We hope that you have had a fun and enjoyable Christmas break!
Class 2 Reminders:
Children need a water bottle in school every day. This should only have water inside and should be labelled clearly with your child's name.
Please email any queries or messages to the school office: office@blakedownprimary.worcs.sch.uk your email will be forwarded to me.
Home reading - Please could home reading books be returned to school each Thursday, your child will then have the opportunity to select a new book to read for pleasure at home. Each Friday your child will be allocated their Little Wandle book. This is the book which they have already read 3 times at school.
PE for Year 2 is on a Monday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon. Children should come to school in their PE kit these days.
Homework will be set weekly. Homework books will be sent out containing the week's activity sheets on a Thursday. Please complete it and return by the following Tuesday.
Accessing e-books
Parents, please have a look at this website:
Click on the purple, 'My class login' button at the top right hand side of the page and enter these details:
Class name: bcofe2
Class password: Class2!
Through this you will be able to access free e-books. You can search for appropriate books by age.
A few useful links:
KS1 Supermovers Learning songs for Maths and Literacy which we use in school and children know many of. Enjoy :)
Shake Break If you've been sat around for too long, then.... take a shake break!
Go Noodle A website that you can sign up to for free. We use it in school for learning songs, mindfulness and breathing videos, Yoga and just dances to have fun with.