Blakedown Church of England Primary School
The Governing Body of Blakedown CE Primary School are pleased to be able to serve the families and children at the school through hard work, commitment and shared values, with the common aim of making a difference to children's lives by helping them to realise their aspirations.
We work as an effective team, bringing a range of strengths from different interests and backgrounds; reflecting the opinions of the community of the school through representatives of the church parish, local community, parents and staff.
Our role is to set strategies for the school, monitor and evaluate its achievements and performance in partnership with the Headteacher, help to sustain its distinctive Christian identity and take an active interest in all aspects of the school to ensure the continued development and improvement of the school for our current and future families.
We operate as a full governing body and in specialist teams with delegated powers for each. We meet each term to discuss a wide range of issues and with a focus on the key areas of the school development plan. In addition to meetings, all governors aim to visit the school at least once a year with the aim of monitoring one aspect of the school.
Governor Voting Rights: Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committees. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed. Associate members should be appointed because of the specific expertise and experience they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. Subject to the disqualifications set out in the 2012 Constitution Regulations, the governing body may appoint a pupil, school staff member, or any other person as an associate member so that they can contribute their specific expertise. This can help to address specific gaps identified in the skills of the governing body members, and/or help the governing body respond to particular challenges that they may be facing.
The governing body will seek the views of parents and children on certain issues through the use of questionnaires. These views are valued and help the governors to formulate plans for the future of the school.
If you would like to find out more about governance and the duties of a governor please look at the government website . The chair of governors can be contacted via, all other governors can be contacted via the clerk to governors, Hannah Coleman, on
Blakedown Governing Body
Mrs Catherine Parry |
Karen Canham |
Foundation Governor