Blakedown Church of England Primary School
School Performances

During the last but one week of the summer term, there were a number of notable performances across key stage 2.
Year 3 & 4 performed their summer concert to their families – this was a wonderful display of choral singing, group recorder playing and individual instrument performance. The children from these year groups were a little nervous at first, but quickly gained confidence and with audience participation as well. The individual instrumentalists were very brave with their performances and it was a wonderful, uplifting afternoon of music – well done to all of them! Well done also to Year 5 & 6 who performed their summer production ‘I Just Wanna Be a Rockstar’ this week. The children showed confidence in their acting and solo singing and the roles suited the individual children and their characters perfectly. The group singing was joyful and uplifting – both performances were enjoyed thoroughly by the audiences. |